August 24, 2017 | Events & Seminars

Attorney Christina Harris Schwinn to speak at Sept. 7 Benefits University course

Attorney Christina Harris Schwinn will speak at Leading Edge Benefit Advisors’ fall Benefits University course on Sept. 7 at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). The event will take place from 8 a.m. to noon in Room 214 of the Cohen Center at FGCU, located at 11090 FGCU Blvd. N. in Fort Myers.

Schwinn will provide attendees an update on trending employment law issues and recent developments that employers should be aware of and sensitive to under the law. Her presentation will also include an update on the upcoming oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct. 2, regarding the Department of Labor’s enjoined minimum salary rule, which would have increased the minimum salary for exempt employees to $47,476 per year.

In addition to Schwinn, program speakers will include Kerri Sisson, managing member and Timothy McGee, senior benefits advisor, from Leading Edge Benefits Advisors, LLC, and Danielle Capilla, chief compliance officer at United Benefit Advisors.

Registration for this course is $35 and will include a continental breakfast and snacks. This course has been approved for three Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) continuing education credits. For more information or to register for this course, please visit