February 20, 2019 | Events & Seminars

Habitat for Humanity 2019 Women Build Kick Off Party – March 6, 2019

Pavese is a proud sponsor at the Habitat for Humanity 2019 Women Build Kick Off Party.  This event is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center, 2301 First Street, Fort Myers, FL.

For details, click here:  https://2019womenbuild.eventbrite.com

The event marks the beginning of volunteering and fundraising efforts for Habitat’s Women Build initiative. Women Build engages and empowers women (and men) in the effort to provide safe and decent homes for families in need of affordable housing. By recruiting, educating and inspiring women to build, they can transform lives in their communities. This year, volunteers will raise $170,000 to build a new house and rehab two houses for three future Habitat Women Build homebuyers and their families. Volunteers will complete work on the three houses the two weeks leading up to Mother’s Day. Then the Saturday before Mother’s Day, surrounded by family, volunteers and sponsors the Habitat Women Build homebuyers will have a special home dedication, where they will officially receive the keys to their home.

Since 2011, Women Build in Lee and Hendry Counties has partnered with 15 families to build strength and stability for 34 children and their parents through local fundraising and volunteer efforts.