October 27, 2015 | Recent News

Mary Vlasak Snell and Chene Thompson Honored for Pro Bono Work

Gulfshore Business Daily – October 22, 2015

Attorneys Mary Vlasak Snell and Chené Thompson were honored at the Lee County Bar Association Luncheon on Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. Snell received the Outstanding Pro Bono Service Award. Only seven other individuals received this level of recognition. Snell is receiving the award due to her commitment to public service and helping those in need. In 2014 and from January 2015 through July 2015, Snell closed at least four pro bono cases and donated at least 26 hours. She always goes above and beyond. She accepts some of the hardest cases for the office to place: guardianship matters.

Thompson was recognized for providing legal assistance to Connect Xbox One Controller To Mac a family that had a lien placed on their property for putting up an unapproved fence to keep their autistic son safe. Together, Thompson and another partner with the firm, Steve Hartsell, worked with Lee County to obtain a waiver and remove the lien.

Pavese Law Firm would like to thank paralegals, Kristine Meyers, Jenapher Brittain, and Shelly Matzick for their active role and key support in assisting Snell and Thompson with these pro bono cases.