Community Association Newsletter Special Alert: Community Association Powers In Response to COVID-19

By: Christopher J. Shields, Esq. & Vanessa Fernandez, Esq.

Many of our Association clients are reaching out to our office on a daily basis to determine what to do next in light of the recent outbreak of COVID-19 in the State of Florida. As the situation unfolds, any advice given today, may be outdated tomorrow. It is important for Associations to continue to monitor the current guidelines and amend emergency practices or policies as new information is released. Please continue to monitor the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) guidelines and recommendations as well as those of the Florida Department of Health (“FDOH”). At present, it is recommended that gatherings of 10 or more be limited and that individuals maintain a distance of six feet from other individuals. It is also recommended that Associations post the CDC’s Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in conspicuous locations throughout the community. The document is attached and can be found through the following link:

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