July 25, 2012 | Events & Seminars

Pavese Law Firm attorneys to present on agricultural planning, renewable energy, and professional planning careers at the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association’s annual conference

Katherine R. English; and Kathleen Oppenheimer Berkey, AICP of Pavese Law Firm’s Land Use and Local Government practice area will present at the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association’s (APA) annual conference to be held Sept. 12-15 at the Waldorf Astoria Naples.

On Friday, Sept. 14 from 10-11:15 a.m., Kathleen Oppenheimer Berkey, AICP will serve as a co-presenter on renewable energy in Florida. The presentation titled “What the Scuttlebutt is All About: Opportunities and Incentives for Renewable Energy in Florida” will begin with an introduction to renewable energy including brownfield reuse. A panel of industry leaders will then: explore Florida’s potential for solar, photovoltaics, biofuel, wave-energy, and wind energy; discuss how to best select a site and prepare it for development; and discuss steps local governments can take to promote renewable energy in their communities. The panelists will include Paul Woods, Co-Founder and CEO of Algenol Biofuels; Bruno Andreis, Sr., CEO of Safrema Energy; J.L. “Buck” Martinez, Senior Director for Project Development of Florida Power & Light; and Dr. Joseph H. Simmons, Ph.D., Eminent Scholar and Florida Gulf Coast University Backe Chair in Renewable Energy.

On Friday, Sept. 14 from 1:15-2:30 p.m., Kathleen Oppenheimer Berkey, AICP will co-present on job search strategies for professional planners. The presentation titled “Batten Down the Hatches: Tips for a Successful Job Search in Today’s Economy” connects employed, professional planners from the public and private sectors with job seekers to discuss tactics for best marketing yourself and your skills to find a satisfying job in planning. Topics to be discussed include effective job searching, resume drafting, cover letter drafting, networking, and online branding.

On Saturday, Sept. 15 from 8:30-9:45 a.m., Pavese Law Firm attorneys Katherine R. English and Neysa Borkert will share their presentation: “You say Tomato, I say Tomato – The Challenges of Planning for Farming in Urban, Suburban and Rural Settings.” They will provide an in-depth analysis of the challenges of planning for agriculture in urban, suburban and rural areas, along with a discussion of the need for balance between regulatory standards and the right to grow and produce one’s own food. This session will address conflicts that may arise between personal growers, commercial growers, private communities, and regulatory bodies through a group planning exercise.



Questions regarding the content of this article or the content of these forthcoming presentations may be directed to either Katherine R. English, Esq. at katherineenglish@paveselaw.com.