March 15, 2013 | Events, Events & Seminars

Pavese Law Firm is a Proud Sponsor of the HRMA Luncheon Meeting on April 10, 2013

Time:  11:30 – 1:00 p.m.

Meeting Discussion:  Social Media on Litigation

Location:  The Crowne Plaza, 13051 Bell Tower Drive, Fort Myers, FL (Adjacent to the Bell Tower Shops).

This program has been submitted to HR Certification Institute and has been pre-approved for 1 general recertification credit.

Cost for members: $18

Cost for non-members: $25

Cost for members/non-members with no reservations: $25

To make reservations:Click on this link:  Register for the April 10 Meeting

RSVP by Friday, April 5, 2013.