October 03, 2014 | Events, Events & Seminars
Pavese Law Firm Partner, Christina Harris Schwinn, to Participate in Employee Retention Panel at Oct. 9 Above Board Chamber Meeting
Christina Harris Schwinn will join other local professionals on Thursday, Oct. 9 at the Above Board Chamber of Florida. The Above Board Chamber of Florida is bringing together some of Lee County’s top employment professionals from Markham Norton Mosteller Wright & Company, P.A., Smart Companies and Pavese Law Firm for a panel discussion, “Unique Benefits to Spice-Up Employee Retention from the Best!” The panel, sponsored by Liberty Tax Service, will be held during the Oct. 9 meeting at 11:30 a.m. at The Landings, 4540 S. Landings Dr. in Fort Myers. Online registration is available at www.aboveboardchamber.com/fort-myers-meeting/.