April 20, 2015 | Events, Events & Seminars

Pavese Law Firm, Sponsor at the Tri-County HR Conference May 15

Pavese Law Firm is a proud sponsor at the 14th Annual Tri-County HR Conference.

Tri-County HR Conference on Friday, May 15, 2015

at the Pelican Preserve,  

9802 Pelican Preserve Blvd.,  

Fort Myers, FL 33913   


Can you Believe It…..for a small investment of time and money you will acquire tremendous value and ample networking opportunities as HR Professionals by attending this Conference.

 This year will be the most exciting year yet! HRMA of Southwest Florida has lined up great speakers for this event: Paul Macleish, Entertainer and Motivator – Paul is a dynamic motivational speaker who was one of the team who pioneered the “Entertainment” style of facilitation at the Disney Institute in Orlando, Florida; Libby Anderson, Energetic and HR Professional – Libby focuses on providing top quality human resources consulting and customized training and development; Ethan Wall, Social Media Law Attorney – He is a widely recognized authority on the effect of social media on the law; and Lori Kleiman, Consultant & Facilitator – Lori is an accomplished human resources consultant who gives her unique insight on how HR professionals and executives can work together effectively to achieve business goals.

 Register today at http://hrmaswfl.shrm.org/events/2015/05/may-15-2015-tri-county-conference