January 06, 2017 | Community Law Newsletter

Winter 2016-2017 Community Association Newsletter

  1. Florida Supreme Court Says Each Default Resets the Foreclosure Suit Clock
  2. Community Association Subject to the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act
  3. “Servicer” of a First Mortgage is Now Entitled to Claim “Safe Harbor”
  4. Retroactive Application of Amendments to Facilitate Condominium Terminations Held Unconstitutional
  5. Court Rules FNMA Not Entitled to a “Do-Over”
  6. Amendment Imposing a Two Unit Limit is Upheld
  7. Debtor Who “Surrenders” His Home in Federal Bankruptcy Court is Not Entitled to Later Contest The State Court Foreclosure of Their Home
  8. Lender Questionnaires, Estoppel Certificates and Transfer Fees (Who Can Charge Whom, What, When and Where?)

To view the full newsletter click here.